Category > Perinatal equity

Black Maternity Matters statement: APPG on birth trauma inquiry report


The Black Maternity Matters collaborative welcomes the report released by the APPG on Birth Trauma sharing the findings of its inquiry. We honour and thank the women and families who have shared their traumatic experiences at psychological cost to their wellbeing, in order to make significant change to the way perinatal care is provided through…

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House of Lords Preterm Birth Committee hear evidence on impact of PERIPrem


The operational clinical lead for the PERIPrem programme, Dr Sarah Bates, has given evidence alongside a panel including Professor David Edwards, Professor of Paediatrics & Neonatal Medicine at Kings College London and Professor Chris Gale, Professor of Neonatal Medicine at Imperial College London, to the House of Lords Preterm Birth Committee. The Committee was appointed…

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PERIPrem webinar highlights: The scope, data and challenges


PERIPrem stands for ‘Perinatal Excellence to Reduce Injury in Premature Birth’ and is a bundle of 11 interventions launched in 2020 across the South West region that have a significant impact on brain injury and mortality rates in babies born preterm. Implementation of PERIPrem is being encouraged across the rest of the country to help…

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Join the Black Maternity Matters Collaborative


Black Maternity Matters is a ground-breaking collaboration, supporting all staff who care for pregnant women and their babies to take action on the inequitable maternal and neonatal outcomes faced by women and babies racialised as Black. We are supporting staff, teams and systems to offer safer, equitable care for all. As part of phase three,…

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Katie, Sonah and Karen smiling with bouquets of flowers

Celebrating Black Maternity Matters


Colleagues from across the West of England and beyond gathered at the Malcolm X Community Centre in Bristol on 7 December for a joyous celebration of our Black Maternity Matters programme and the achievements of all the participants and champions involved in cohorts one and two. Thanks to George Chan at Blue Fire Films for…

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Anti-racist training in the Black Maternity Matters pilot shown to increase the cultural competency of maternity staff


Evaluation of the pilot phase of Black Maternity Matters shows the project has successfully helped to increase the cultural competency of maternity staff, with the value of the education and training programme demonstrated through both participants’ feedback as well as their resulting actions. Black women* are four times more likely to die during pregnancy or…

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Tackling health inequalities: a community involvement approach


Tackling health inequalities is a major priority for health and care providers, as demonstrated by NHS England’s Core20PLUS5 approach to inform action to reduce healthcare inequalities at both a national and system level. All integrated care systems (ICSs) have been tasked with addressing inequalities in outcomes, experience and access. Genuine community involvement, lived experience and effective partnership…

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Celebrating one year of the Regional Perinatal Equity Network

Blog article

In this blog our Maternal and Neonatal Clinical Lead, Ann Remmers, looks back on a successful year of the Regional Perinatal Equity Network (RPEN) and forward to the next meeting on 13 October 2022. The network provides an opportunity for those working within maternity and newborn services, related organisations and parents and parent partners to…

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The power of language

Blog article

In response to the growing commitment in the region to work together to address inequality and inequity within maternity and neonatal services the Regional Perinatal Equity Network was launched in July 2021 by the West of England and South West Academic Health Science Networks. In this blog, Katie Donovan Adekanmbi, Inclusion and Cohesion Specialist from…

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Showcasing health innovation in the West of England


People at the heart of driving the innovation of health and care across the region with the support of the West of England AHSN gathered in Bristol yesterday for a special showcase event, along with guests from the Accelerated Access Collaborative, NHS England’s Innovation, Research and Life Sciences team and the government’s Office for Life…

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