We are pleased to report we’ve received an excellent response to our recent stakeholder survey, both in terms of the number of respondents and the feedback provided.
NHS England commissioned YouGov to carry out a national survey to measure the impact being made by all 15 regional AHSNs around the country. 123 people replied to the West of England questionnaire – the second highest response in the country. You can download our survey report here.
The study took on board views from across all our member organisations, including health and social care, patient groups, universities, private industry and the charity sector.
The West of England AHSN was highly recommended as a network to work with and 90 per cent of respondents reported good working relationships. Nearly half (44%) felt the network had achieved more than expected in the last 12 months and 85% agreed there is clear and visible leadership.
Other highlights of the survey included:
- 85% see the West of England AHSN as being effective at building a culture of partnership and collaboration;
- 83% rate its quality of advice as good
- 75% value the AHSN’s role in facilitating collaboration, while 69% value work around the identification, adoption and spread of innovation
- two-thirds (69%) feel the AHSN has helped organisations in achieving their own objectives
- more than half feel they have a good understanding of the AHSN’s role and 78% feel this has become clearer in the last 12 months
- the vast majority (78%) are confident the AHSN will deliver its plans and priorities.
Deborah Evans, managing director of the West of England AHSN, said: “The results of the stakeholder survey are really encouraging and show we’re moving in the right direction and already making an impact.
“It’s particularly pleasing to see that our local NHS organisations and universities feel involved, that our role is clear and our expertise is well received. All of this helps us to be successful in promoting and spreading best practice in health care and adopting innovation. The positive results from the survey reflect a huge commitment and joint effort from our member organisations and a wide range of partners.
“We also recognise that this is no time to be complacent, and we’ll be taking on board the feedback as to where we as a network can make improvements. We want to lead by example and play an even bigger role in the future in shaping future healthcare provision both in our region and beyond, ensuring we are helping to give the very best service and experience to patients. We are working with other AHSNs to ensure that best practice in health care is spread rapidly and consistently across the country.”
The survey also asked members to tell us what we should continue or do more of. Some messages consistently rang out from the wealth of feedback, including:
- keep holding events and bringing people together to share innovation and best practice
- keep close to Clinical Commissioning Groups and keep supporting their work
- continue to bring universities, the NHS and companies together
- keep challenging leaders to work together.
We’re now assimilating all the feedback and will build it into our Business Plan for 2016/17. We are also looking at the best examples of adoption and spread from other AHSNs and will bring proposals forward this autumn.
Download the full West of England AHSN survey report here.
The national report is available on The AHSN Network website.
Posted on October 30, 2015