13/10/2020|Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Location: Online event
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: 0117 900 2249
Email: academy@weahsn.net
Event summary
*This event is now fully booked*
Building our approach to help clinical leaders and senior managers across the NHS in the West of England to better understand and use innovative thinking, tools and techniques, this highly interactive programme will run over two experiential training days, with subsequent online clinics to support the development of an approach to successfully address a key challenge faced by their service. The programme is delivered by (and at) the University West of England.
It might also be possible to take up to four individuals from one team into the programme, if that better suited to local requirements.
Course dates: 13 October and 17 November 2020.
Spaces on the programme are limited and will be subject to the assessment of a short application form that needs to be received
Further information can be viewed here, as well as access to the application form. Information about the course content can be viewed here.
All applications will need to be emailed to: academy@weahsn.net
The key criteria we will use to assess applications is:
- Applicants must be in a leadership role and be in a position to influence others within their team, service and organisation to achieve business change that will lead to better patient care. Or, Members of the applying team must include someone in a leadership role who is in a position to influence others within the service and organisation to achieve business change that will lead to better patient care.
- The applicant or applying team must have a real challenge they are committed to addressing.
- All applicants need to commit to attending both workshops and the subsequent online clinics.
- All applicants must have the ambition and desire to join a wider community of practice for healthcare innovators, to learn from others and share their own learnings.
- All applicants must be happy for the West of England Academic Health Science Network to share successful projects that may interest colleagues in wider healthcare systems.
If you’ve read the above information and require further information contact academy@weahsn.net
*This event was previously booked for May but due to COVID-19 lockdown we have rescheduled it to October and November