COVID Oximetry @home uses pulse oximeters for patients at risk to safely self-monitor their condition at home, providing an opportunity to detect a decline in their condition that might require hospital review and admission. Early experiences of implementing this approach have been linked to reduced mortality, hospital length of stay, and the number of patients requiring intensive care admission and ventilation.
COVID Oximetry @home Implementation support
Click on the links below to find out more about the different phases of implementing COVID Oximetry @home with our COVID Oximetry @home implementation support pack.

COVID Oximetry @home webinars
Watch our first webinar (held on 4 November 2020) on COVID Oximetry @home below – it was jointly organised with South West AHSN, and features Matt Inada-Kim, National Clinical Lead Deterioration/Sepsis, as well as learning from local pilots.
The slide deck featured in the 4 November 2020 webinar is available to download here.
On 2 December 2020 we held a second webinar on Oximetry @home, jointly organised with South West AHSN which you can watch below. In this webinar, we shared practical information and learning to support implementation, including oximetry for people with learning disabilities with learning from local pilot.
The slide deck featured in the 2 December 2020 webinar is available to download here.
RCGP and AHSN Network Webinar
On 12 January 2021, the AHSN Network and Royal College of General Practitioners held a webinar to highlight the association between oxygen saturations and COVID-19, which underpins the need for the COVID Oximetry @home pathway. You can watch this below. The webinar shared a collaborative approach to monitor and manage patients at risk of sudden deterioration. At around 7:55 minutes into the video, GP Gail Allsopp’s presentation provides a useful overview of the COVID Oximetry @home and COVID virtual ward models.
In October 2020, our colleagues in Oxford AHSN hosted a webinar sharing examples of innovative ways to assess and manage patients with suspected COVID-19 in the community. You can watch a recording of the RCGP and AHSN Network webinar here. This event was chaired by Meghana Pandit, Medical Director of Oxford University Hospitals. The webinar included contributions from Matt Inada-Kim and Trish Greenhalgh, and explored the key emerging themes around virtual wards.
Remote monitoring using pulse oximetry in care homes
A webinar, held on 9 February 2021, explained the background to COVID Oximetry @home and COVID virtual wards, and what this means for care home staff supporting residents who are being monitored remotely using pulse oximetry.
Aimed at registered managers, care workers in care homes, Primary Care Network clinical leads, and staff supporting remote monitoring, it discussed why ‘silent hypoxia’ is important, how it works in practice, and the range of support and learning materials on offer.
COVID Oximetry @home resources
- Article from NHS England regarding wider application of pulse oximeters in primary care: Primary Care Network: Pulse oximetry supporting general practice
Trial using paramedics as part of pulse oximeter distribution: Covid patients given early warning home oxygen monitors by paramedics
- BBC Radio 4 show which discusses whether encouraging people to measure their oxygen levels at home with a pulse oximeter could save lives: Oximetry at home, Rapid lateral flow tests for Covid
- Mencap: Coronavirus easy read guides to help you stay safe and well
- In partnership with The Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust, UCLPartners have developed Stop:Start simulation videos to support trusts in setting up COVID Oximetry @home and Virtual Ward services. Watch simulation videos for COVID Oximetry @home and Virtual Ward services