Create Open Health: Voices for Change
Voices for Change was a partnership project between the Health Innovation West of England, the Bladder and Bowel Health Integration Team (BABCON HIT) at Bristol Health Partners and Disruptive Thinking, as part of our Create Open Health open innovation programme. Its purpose was to give a voice to those affected by bladder and bowel conditions,…
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FeNO testing in Primary Care
The FeNO testing programme aims to improve the speed and accuracy of asthma diagnosis and prescribing, therefore reducing the risks of exacerbations and admissions to hospital. FeNO devices measure fractional exhaled nitric oxide in the breath of patients. This provides an indication of the level of inflammation in the lungs, a marker which helps make…
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ReSPECT (Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment)
The ReSPECT (Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment) process creates a summary of personalised recommendations for a person’s clinical care in a future emergency in which they do not have capacity to make or express choices. ReSPECT was developed by the Resuscitation Council, working alongside NHS stakeholders, patients, and families. The roll-out of…
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PreciSSIon (Preventing Surgical Site Infection across a region)
PreciSSIon (Preventing Surgical Site Infection across a region) is a double award-winning collaborative involving all hospitals in the West of England. The aim was to reduce incidence of surgical site infection after elective colorectal surgery by implementing a four-point evidence-based bundle of care developed at North Bristol NHS Trust in February 2013. This became a…
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The West of England Learning Disabilities Collaborative
We established the West of England Learning Disabilities Collaborative (LDC) in early 2019 bringing together individuals and organisations from across the region interested in the care of people with a learning disability and experts by experience, with a focus on three priority areas: Improving recognition of deterioration through use of soft-signs and National Early Warning…
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Electronic health records in care homes
With our support, Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) CCG built on a recent trial using an early ‘mobile’ version of TPP’s SystmOne electronic health record, by introducing a new care home module across a small number of care homes. Early feedback is indicating demonstrable benefits in improved communication between care homes…
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