Health and Care Innovation Expo 2016 returns to Manchester this week on 7 and 8 September and we will be showcasing our work alongside other AHSNs from across the country on the AHSN Network stand.
If you’re attending, do make sure you come and say hello and pick up a copy of our latest impact report. You’ll find us on Stand 50.
This year, Expo will once again focus on the biggest health and care issues and developments as AHSNs continue to support the implementation of the NHS Five Year Forward View.
Innovator Zone
For the first time, the stand will feature an Innovator Zone for businesses to showcase great innovations. Two companies that have been supported by the West of England AHSN are taking part: Mayden and MapMyHealth. Read more about the innovator zone.
Stakeholder reception
The AHSN Network is hosting an evening stakeholder reception on the stand on Wednesday 7 September from 5.30pm – 6.30pm. If you would like to attend, please register for a place here.
The test bed journey so far
As lead partner for the Diabetes Digital Coach test bed, the West of England AHSN will be taking part in a special session at Expo on Wednesday 7 September to explore progress and share lessons. Come and join us in rooms 5, 6 and 7 at 11am.
Each of the seven test beds will be demonstrating their combinatorial innovations, answering your questions and sharing their progress. Mobile apps for self-care, wearable monitoring devices, and a fully-equipped mock living room are among the innovations available to see on the day. Chief executive of NHS England Simon Stevens will be present to open the session and celebrate the success of the programme to date.
NHS Innovation Accelerator
The NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) will feature on the main stage at 9am on Thursday 8 September, with a panel session exploring the benefits of NHS trusts and CCGs of implementing innovation in meeting the challenges they face.
Pop-up universities
AHSNs are leading pop-up university sessions across the two days of Expo. You can sign up to any of the sessions through the Expo website.
Day 1
What can Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) do for patient consultations?
11am, Pop-up uni 8
Improving quality in care homes
Accelerating the uptake of innovation in the NHS: The NHS Innovation Accelerator, one year on
Day 2
Leading Together: patients, carers, professionals and the public working together
The Innovation Pathway: The AHSNs as the interface between the NHS and industry
Delivering the Five Year Forward View: Working collaboratively to prevent stroke
Co-creating a living lab for better dementia care in a 5G future
2pm, Pop-up uni 3
Follow @WEAHSN and #AHSNs on Twitter to catch our highlights from the event.
Posted on September 5, 2016