Join Dr Lesley Jordan, Consultant Anaesthetist and Clinical Lead at the West of England AHSN, as she introduces methods for analysing and presenting data to support quality improvement work in healthcare on 14 September.
Run by the West of England AHSN Academy, the free workshop will be interactive and engaging and is designed to help delegates feel confident analysing and presenting data as part of a quality improvement project.
The workshop will be especially suitable for healthcare professionals that have attended a prior improvement series with the West of England AHSN Academy (known as our QI Winter or Summer Series) and are looking for further opportunities to develop and solidify their understanding of using data.
Find out more about this opportunity and book here.
The West of England Academy offers a wide range of free resources to healthcare professionals and innovators across the region. To find out more about our Academy, visit our webages or email weahsn.academy@nhs.net
Our academy works hard to welcome attendees from a broad range of backgrounds creating a safe and open environment for learning and sharing ideas.
Posted on July 20, 2021