Do you have an evidence-based idea to change clinical practice? Then apply to our Evidence into Practice Challenge, an open call to healthcare professionals and researchers in the West of England.
Five years ago we put out our first call for ideas, and one of the applications we received was from Karen Luyt, a neonatologist at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust. She had an idea to reduce cerebral palsy in preterm babies. That idea became the PReCePT programme that is currently being rolled out in every maternity unit across the country. It is a powerful example of how we, as part of the AHSN Network, can rapidly put evidence into practice to improve healthcare for the nation.
Hear what Karen has to say about working with the West of England Academic Health Science Network to develop the idea in the video below.
The Evidence into Practice Challenge 2019 is an open call to healthcare professionals in the West of England who have an evidence-based idea for an initiative or project that will improve healthcare. The applicant must have gathered specific research or evidence to suggest it will improve the quality of patient care, and the applicant must have previously implemented the project at least on a small scale
We will work closely with chosen applicants starting with a feasibility study to explore the opportunities for wider spread of the innovation or improvement. We will have a view to then project managing the proposition, ensuring they and their host organisation receive appropriate acknowledgement and credit. We will recompense the applicant’s time for any related activity that supports the adoption and spread of the initiative.
Please note: This challenge has now closed, however we are always interested in hearing about, and supporting, evidence based practice. If you have an idea or example of clinical practice that needs support get in touch at: contactus@weahsn.net
Posted on March 14, 2019