Life QI is a space for the Quality Improvement (QI) community to learn, share and work together. Everyone in the West of England AHSN can register for free at www.weahsn.net/life.
Life QI supports frontline NHS teams to plan, monitor and report progress of their improvement projects, as well as connect with other members of the QI community. The number of people using the platform, as well as active projects, is increasing each month, making it easier to collaborate with professionals locally, regionally or on a national scale.
The new look platform provides new features and improved functionality based on user feedback, all of which combine to deliver a faster, more exciting platform for managing quality improvement work. There are now discussions and groups to better support team working and collaboration, and PDSA (plan, do, study, act) ramps to track through your improvement projects.
Find out more about the upgrade here or visit the Learning Centre for how-to articles for all areas of the platform.
Posted on November 15, 2017