In response to popular demand the free online course on Quality Improvement in Healthcare – the Case for Change is being re-run on FutureLearn starting on 16 January 2017.
Our Improvement Director, Anna Burhouse, along with Christos Vasilakis (Director of the Centre for Healthcare Improvement and Innovation at the University of Bath) and Tricia Woodhead (Associate Clinical Director for Patient Safety for the West of England AHSN) are the three tutors on the course.
The six-week course explores new and better ways of organising health and social care services to improve quality.
Health and social care systems are inherently complex, with many interconnected activities and processes, and thus difficult to measure, analyse, change and improve. Over six weeks, this course will help you to understand some of this complexity, showcase some simple methods that can help you improve the quality of care services and point towards resources that can be used to further your knowledge and understanding.
The course is designed for people working in health and social care organisations such as clinicians, allied health professionals, nurses, managers or administrators. People with a general interest in health and social care organisations, such as service users and carers, may also find the course of interest.
Find out more and sign up at www.futurelearn.com/courses/quality-improvement.
Posted on December 7, 2016