Ben Bennett will join the AHSN as our new Interim Chief Operating Officer from 4 June 2018. As we move into the next licence period Ben will help us to build on our successes, develop and resource new programmes of work and spread and adopt successful programmes.
With a 27 year career in variety of senior leadership roles in the NHS, Ben has spent over a decade in senior operational management roles spanning, community, mental health services in Wales and acute hospital services including locally at Southmead Hospital and at Bristol Royal Infirmary.
Since 2003 he has worked in strategic commissioning roles across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire, leading and delivering strategic projects within the NHS and in partnership with NHS and Local Authority Partners, and with local people, including leading new community hospital developments in Bristol and several large scale public consultations
Ben said “I am passionate about improving health and health services and it’s been my privilege to contribute to this in a variety of different leadership roles within the NHS. I am delighted to have this opportunity to join the West of England Academic Health Science Network in the role of Interim Chief Operating Officer”
Posted on May 30, 2018