“The aim of the call is to support consortia to address real world evidence gaps to accelerate widespread adoption of technologies recommended for early use in the NHS through NICE Early Value Assessment.“
Cheryl Scott, Senior Programme Manager - Commercial

The NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme, in collaboration with the Office for Life Sciences (OLS) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), invites applications to the NIHR i4i & OLS Real World Evidence Programme.

Funding will be deployed to generate real world evidence for product(s) to achieve a full NICE evaluation, generate further evidence required by commissioners to increase uptake, and to capture generalisable learnings to support future innovators. Applications that align with the Life Sciences Vision, published in July 2021, are particularly welcomed.

The NIHR i4i & OLS Real World Evidence Programme is a one-stage call inviting applications for projects up to 36 months in duration,with no upper funding limit.

The call will be open to consortia consisting of:

  • An analytical partner (lead applicant) – which will lead and coordinate the generation of evidence required (must be a UK legal entity).
  • The technology partner(s) – which will provide the EVA products for which evidence must be generated
  • Adopting site(s) – which will give access to sites, or services, for testing of the products.

This call will be open to organisations which are UK legal entities, including large enterprises, small/medium commercial entities, NHS and social care providers, universities and research institutions, as well as not-for-profit organisations including charities and Community Interest Companies. For this call, the lead organisation should be the ‘analytical partner’ as described above.

The application window will open 31 January 2024 and will close at 13:00 on 27 March 2024.

Further information