09/02/2017|Time: 10:30 - 16:30
Location: Central London - further details TBC
Organised by: NHS England
Event summary
NHS England has cancelled the Life Science Register event and hope to be able to confirm a new date for the event shortly. For further information, email
Effective partnership working with the UK’s life sciences industry is an important part of delivering the Five Year Forward View. NHS England has been working closely with medical technology and pharmaceutical industries to support the implementation of an independently accredited national register for the life sciences industry workforce.
The register will ensure the life sciences industry workforce have had the necessary education and training to meet standards similar to those in place for other clinical healthcare professionals, providing assurance to patients and the public.
NHS England is hosting a workshop to support effective implementation of the Register across NHS organisations. We would ask you – or a colleague leading the implementation in your organisation – to attend this event to shape and determine the details of the final implementation process. This will ensure that it is as effective and straightforward as possible, while allowing attendees to share existing good practice on the governance of partnership working with industry.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of the event is to bring together the groups to discuss the standards and consider how the proposed register could be supported and implemented within NHS organisations.
The engagement event will be informative and allow opportunity for discussion by;
- Briefing colleagues about the purpose of the register,
- Providing information about the Professional Standards Authority PSA and the standards that have to be achieved to use the kite mark,
- Providing an opportunity to discuss the educational standards that have been developed jointly with the NHS.
- Allow delegates to seek guidance ask for advice and be given examples on how the NHS can use the register,
- Consider and discuss the approach to implementation.
The programme
Who should attend
- Chief Executives
- Chief Finance Officers
- Chief Operations Officers
- Medical Directors
- Nursing Directors
- Patient Safety Headss
- HR Employees
- Department Managers – Cardiology, Endoscopy, Imaging, Pathology, Pharmacy, Research and Theatre.