13/12/2018|Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Location: Holiday Inn - Filton, Filton Road, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS16 1QX
Organised by: Medicines Optimisation team, West of England AHSN
Tel: 0117 900 2385
Email: ali.mann@weahsn.net
Event summary
The West of England Academic Health Science Network is leading a significant Medicines Optimisation programme in collaboration with NHS England. One of the key workstreams focusses on polypharmacy, with the aim of reducing problematic polypharmacy.
To begin to understand the local picture relating to polypharmacy, the West of England AHSN is holding a workshop this December. This will bring together those working on polypharmacy projects to share best practice, identify opportunities and barriers to appropriate polypharmacy and help inform the priorities for this new workstream.
The programme
The agenda includes:
- Dr Rupert Payne, Consultant Senior Lecturer in Primary Health Care at the University of Bristol on the current research and evidence relating to polypharmacy.
- Mark Gregory, Lead Pharmacist at the West of England AHSN on polypharmacy prescribing comparators.
- Local representatives from across the West of England sharing learning and best practice on polypharmacy initiatives.
- An opportunity to help inform the key areas of focus for 2019-2020 and identify how the West of England AHSN can support.
Who should attend
This event is for Healthcare professionals who would like to get involved in the discussions on appropriate polypharmacy and be in a position to take forward any actions. It is an invite only event but please contact ali.mann@weahsn.net if you would like to take part.