24/11/2016|Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Location: The Bristol Golf Club, St. Swithins Park, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS10 7TP
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: 0117 900 2543
Email: events@weahsn.net
Event summary
This event will be the third local meeting for colleagues across the West of England hospitals involved in the Emergency Laparotomy Collaborative. These local meetings provide the opportunity to share key learning among hospitals in this region and increase understanding of Quality Improvement to improve standards of care and outcomes for patients undergoing Emergency Laparotomy Surgery.
The programme
A draft programme will be available shortly
Benefits of attending
An opportunity to feedback on current progress and share/discuss barriers and issues you are facing in trying to deliver the Emergency Laparotomy project locally.
The ability to learn from the progress of others is a key deliverable of the day.
Using data to drive improvement utilising the ELC Dashboard.
Who should attend
Individuals involved with the delivery or recording of Emergency Laparotomy Surgery at the six hospital Trusts in the West of England Region. As well as clinical staff this is open to data analysts, Quality Improvement support staff and managers.