17/06/2019|Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Location: Sandy Park Conference Centre, Exeter
Organised by: One Voice Media and PR Ltd
Tel: 01392 278801
Email: info@venturefest-sw.co.uk
Event summary
Venturefest South West will be held on 17 June 2019 at Sandy Park, Exeter. This one-day event will bring together technology businesses, entrepreneurs, investors and academics.
Supported by the region’s leading universities and business networks, the event will showcase cutting-edge innovation and entrepreneurship coming out of Cornwall, Devon and Somerset and bring people together to hear insights and predictions from industry leaders and connect with entrepreneurs, investors and academics.
Venturefest South West is supported by: The Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), Falmouth University, the University of Plymouth, University of Exeter, Plymouth College of Art, Heart of the South West LEP, South West Academic Health Science Network, Plymouth City Council and Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
Venturefest will include:
Panels and Workshops from industry and academic experts on 10 topics: Space, Agritech, AI and Big Data, Advanced Engineering, Healthcare, Environment, Marine, Blockchain, Creative, Scale ups and Start ups.
The event will see presentations from technology trailblazers, panel discussions and a diverse programme of workshops, as well as a schools competition (Hackfest) and a pitching competition (Pitchfest).
The themes for Venturefest South West 2019 are:
- Health
- Blockchain
- AI and Big Data
- Agri Tech
- Marine Tech
- Creative
- Space
- Environment
- Advanced Engineering
- Funding and Start Ups
Venturefest South West is supported by: The Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), Falmouth University, the University of Plymouth, University of Exeter, Plymouth College of Art, Heart of the South West LEP, South West Academic Health Science Network, Plymouth City Council and Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
Innovation Showcase – free!
Are you a business or innovator with something visual / interactive to showcase to visitors at Venturefest South West 2019? Apply to be part of Innovation Showcase at the event on June 17th. This is a completely free exhibition opportunity for up to 30 businesses / innovators. Businesses will be selected based on their ability to bring something interactive and visual to the exhibition. Apply here.
Pitchfest – free!
Calling all innovative start-up businesses! Be part of Pitchfest at Venturefest South West 2019. This free-to-enter pitching competition could get you in front of potential influencers and investors at the event on June 17th. Find out more here.
Exhibit: There are a limited number of commercial exhibition spaces available. These are priced at £350+VAT. These can be purchased here. Or for more information email: info@venturefest-sw.co.uk
There are a series of sponsorship opportunities available at Venturefest 2019. For more information email: info@venturefest-sw.co.uk
Tickets for the event are only £40 (plus VAT) to include a light lunch and refreshments and can be purchased at www.venturefest-sw.co.uk. The inaugural 2016 event in October attracted more than 600 delegates and was oversubscribed with a waiting list – early booking is advised