Tuesday 24 January 2023
Location: Online
Organised by: South West and West of England AHSN
Tel: n/a
Email: Harriet.Matthews@swahsn.com
Event summary
The NHS long term plan states the target for identification for those with a genetic diagnosis of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is 15% by 2023 and 25% by 2025. The most recent available figures show the national average across England is 7% and in the South West region ranges from 0.7 to 4.52% (Oct 21).
To support your work towards identifying and managing these patients at a practice level, we are providing a 1 hour FH introduction event for GPs, Clinical Pharmacists and any other practice staff who are finding and managing patients with FH within the wider South West region.
Delivered by the South West AHSN and supported by the South West Genomic Medicine Service Alliance (GMSA) and the West of England AHSN the session will last 1 hour and will include:
- An overview of FH and the importance of identifying, diagnosing and cascading patients: Rhiannon Edwards, CVD Clinical Lead – South West AHSN
- Case studies from the South West: Examples from primary care: PCN Clinical Pharmacists Catherine Hilton and Jo Locke
- Q&A session
We are also privileged to be joined by Kay Haughton, nurse and Director of Transformation at the West of England AHSN who will be sharing her personal experience of FH with us.