13/03/2017|Time: 09:30 - 16:30
Location: Southmead Hospital, Bristol
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: 0117 900 2141
Email: Nathalie.Delaney@weahsn.net
Event summary
In March 2016 the West of England AHSN held a collaborative learning and sharing event focused on reducing harm from falls.
You can read the output report from the event or our blog post about the day.
We are holding a follow up event on 13 March 2017. Session topics are including falls prevention in the acute and community settings, NHS Improvement National Falls update, environmental ways to reduce the risk of falls, and a storyboard walkthrough to share and learn.
This event will also be an opportunity to share local learning through networking and storyboard presentation of your care pathway, as well as hear about national report findings.
Please register to attend below.
Please click here to view our events cancellation policy.
Storyboard Gallery
As part of the event we will be displaying a gallery walking through a patient pathway. Please bring to the event your documentation and policies plus any other information that is relevant on the different stages — assessment of patients, care plans for patients identified at risk of falls, post-falls care and investigations, and monitoring patients as their condition changes. More details will be sent with joining instructions.
The programme
To view the draft agenda click here
Who should attend
This event will cover all sectors, including acute hospitals, community services including care homes and patient’s homes, ambulance service and the interface between community and acute.