03/06/2015|Time: 09:30 - 15:30
Location: The Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue, Bristol BS16 2QQ
Organised by: People in Health West of England
Email: kim.thomas@nihr.ac.uk
Event summary
We are delighted to announce our regional public involvement event on Wednesday 3rd June 2015. You are warmly invited to register for the event and get the date in your diary.
This event is free. More information is available on our website: https://www.healthinnowest.net/prwe/
The programme
- A national update and review from Simon Denegri. (Simon is National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Chair of INVOLVE and National Director for Public Participation and Engagement in Research.)
- A progress report and review of the work of the regional public involvement group – People in Health West of England
- An opportunity to learn from examples of involvement practice from across the region
- An opportunity to develop your involvement network
Who should attend
- Members of the public interested in research
- Members of the public (patients, service users, carers, family members) actively involved in research, service improvement or commissioning
- Academics and clinical researchers
- Health and social care professionals
- Voluntary sector professionals
- Public involvement staff in paid roles