22/01/2020|Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Location: Holiday Inn Bristol Filton, Bristol BS16 1QX
Organised by: Health Education England and West of England AHSN
Email: roland.gude@nhs.net
Event summary
Identifying the barriers that prevent us from stopping inappropriate medicines
Developed primarily for GPs, these Action Learning Sets (ALS) are based on work undertaken in Yorkshire and Humber AHSN. They aim to help GPs understand the complex issues surrounding stopping inappropriate medicines safely and will also help Primary Care Networks (PCNs) deliver the Medicines Optimisation elements of the new GP Quality Outcomes framework (QOF) contract. Health Education England South are evaluating our Action Learning Sets with a view to rolling out this methodology across England.
Delegates are required to attend all 3 sessions, review an e-learning tool and participate in the evaluation.
Three half day sessions (9.30am – 12.30am) over 2 months:
Session 1 – Wednesday 22nd January 2020
Polypharmacy – the scale, impact and challenges around stopping medicines safely. We will define inappropriate medicines and look at the patient perspective.
Session 2 – Wednesday 12th February 2020
What tools are available to help? We will explore shared decision making, the evidence and tools to help conduct high quality medication reviews including high risk medicines e-learning.
Session 3 – Wednesday 18th March 2020
Workshop and facilitated discussions to share experience of medication reviews and consolidate learning.