23/05/2017|Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Location: Emirates Stadium, Hornsey Rd, London N7 7AJ
Organised by: NHS Improvement & The AHSN Network
Tel: 0117 900 2413
Email: Kevin.Hunter@weahsn.net
Event summary
We are excited to share with you the plans for the first Patient Safety Collaborative Learning Day, on 23 May at the Emirates Stadium in London.
This event is delivered in partnership with NHS Improvement and is a fantastic opportunity to share and learn from each other about the great work being carried out around the country to improve patient safety.
The Collaboratives are now in their third year and while much of the work is ongoing and the impact may be difficult to quantify, this is the perfect time to take stock – and consider how to maximise the impact of our efforts by sharing what we’ve learnt so far.
We will hear from respected experts in master classes and there will be opportunities for workshops for more in depth learning about particular projects.
This will be a fantastic opportunity to learn from each other and take away practical guidance in how to adopt ideas from other areas.
Places are free and by invitation only, with 30 spaces allocated for each AHSN/Patient Safety Collaborative.
If you would like to attend this event, please email Kevin Hunter at Kevin.Hunter@weahsn.net
The programme
Coming soon!