04/11/2020|Time: 16:30 - 18:00
Location: Online event
Organised by: West of England AHSN and South West AHSN
Event summary
Bringing you examples of innovative ways to assess & manage patients in the community with suspected COVID-19: our webinar will show you how!
COVID-19 has forced a re-engineering of healthcare in all settings and accelerated change in the NHS over the space of a few short months.
Optimising clinical systems and enabling patients to self-monitor, to aid the early identification and timely management of deteriorating patients (including those with COVID-19) in the community is a critical step in reducing avoidable deaths from all conditions, whilst potentially reducing capacity demands elsewhere in the system.
Remote assessments, patient empowerment and monitoring, including the use of pulse oximetry to pick up silent hypoxia, with both acute conditions (including COVID-19) and other chronic diseases has become a new ‘normal’.
In collaboration with The South West AHSN, we will bring you examples of innovative ways to assess and manage patients in the community with suspected COVID-19 to allow for a systematic approach to identify and appropriately escalate people who are at risk of deterioration
Who will be speaking?
The Webinar will be introduced by Natasha Swinscoe, our Chief Executive Officer and National Lead for Patient Safety for the AHSN Network, and will also include regional speakers sharing details of local pilots.
We’re delighted to welcome the following key note speakers to share their learning and experience from COVID Oximetry at Home Pathway pilots during the first COVID-19 wave.
Matt Inada-Kim – Consultant Acute physician, HHFT, Clinical Director Patient Safety/Digital, Wessex AHSN; National Clinical Lead Deterioration/Sepsis, COVID Clinical Reference groups
Karen Kirkham – GP & Senior Medical Advisor to the Primary Care Provider Transformation team, NHS England
How can I find out more?
To find out more information about COVID Oximetry at Home Pathways, and the support on offer the please read the West of England AHSNs latest briefing paper.
What is a COVID virtual ward?
The COVID virtual ward describes an enhanced package of monitoring (of symptoms and oxygen saturations) for patients with confirmed/ suspected COVID-19 who are at risk of future deterioration/ admission, provided within a patient’s own home (or usual residence) overseen by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) from either the community or hospital.
Is there national guidance available?
Visit the NHS England website here for further information.
What is the national AHSN Network response?
The AHSN Network have convened a rapid learning and sharing network to support the pilot sites, and the development of a COVID virtual ward toolkit available on the FutureNHS collaboration platform.
If you currently have access to this platform, log on and click on ‘My Workspaces’, then ‘Find a Workspace’ and search for ‘National Patient Deterioration Forum’. Once access is granted, click on the ‘COVID 19 Virtual Ward Toolkit’.
For those not on FutureNHS, you can register if you have an NHS email address. Register for an account here (using your NHS email address) and request access to the National Patient Deterioration Forum. Once access is granted, click on the link in the forum for COVID 19 Virtual Ward Toolkit.