14/06/2017|Time: 08:30 - 16:30
Location: ACC Liverpoool, Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool, L3 4FP
Organised by: NHS Confederation
Tel: 0207 799 6666
Email: Enquiries@nhsconfed.org
Event summary
Confed17 brings together the whole health and social care leaders from across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, strengthening relationships and showcasing innovative solutions to meet the changing needs of organisations across the NHS and wider health and care sector, just one week after the General Election.
What is new?
- Refreshed full two day programme
- First ever Communications Conference
- Full day NHS Employers workforce summit
- New fringe programme
Join Confed17 in Liverpool on 14 and 15 June 2017 for an unmissable debate on what lies ahead for the health service.
To find out more about Confed17 visit their website here
The programme
Click here to view the two day programme.