02/10/2019|Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Location: Axis Centre, Southampton Science Park , Southampton, SO16 7NP
Organised by: Wessex AHSN
Tel: 023 8202 0858
Email: enquiries@wessexahsn.net
Event summary
On Wednesday 2 October, the AHSN Network will host the fourth of our “Bridging the gap” series of events at the Southampton Science Park, Southampton.
Bridging the gap 4 is aimed at health technology innovators and companies who are interested in accessing the NHS marketplace to improve health and care for patients and citizens, and who have a product or service that is ready for scaling up.
Free to attend, the event will include a range of talks, workshops, 1 to 1 advice sessions and unique networking opportunities. It brings together a wide range of services available to industry from the AHSN Network and our partners under one roof.
Delegates will be able to get advice about how to make their engagement with the NHS sharper and more cost effective. That means understanding how decisions are made in the NHS, who makes the decisions and how to get their attention.
Join us to get a better understanding of:
- the innovation landscape, the factors that will affect uptake of your product and how AHSNs can support you
- the requirements for evidence, and how to go about generating evidence
- the ways AHSNs can help you access national resources and the national programmes you can apply for.
Our previous Bridging the gap events have sold out well in advance, so early booking is recommended.