Ella Redler is a team leader for the Brandon Trust at their Hampstead Road residential home which cares for people with a complex learning disability. Ella and some of her team attended our free RESTORE2 training in late 2020. The whole team of 23 staff are now trained.
In this blog Ella’s shares her views on what the training has meant to her, her team and the care they deliver:
Using RESTORE2 to observe changes to a resident
Being trained to use RESTORE2 has made a huge difference to the care and support we deliver in the home. For example, we recently faced a challenge with a resident (who we shall call X) who had no NEWS2 score (New Early Warning Score) but the way they presented and their soft signs gave us some concerns. Therefore we went ahead and contacted the GP. X was subsequently admitted to hospital with the early signs of an infection confirmed by a blood test. By using the RESTORE2 tool and our new found confidence in recognising soft signs of deterioration (such as changes to eating and drinking in this case) we were able to act swiftly.
Working collaboratively with GPs
We also have a better relationship with our GP now we use RESTORE2. We can now speak a common language with the clinicians; we are now able to clearly communicate our observations and concerns when we ask for a GP home visit, and the GP better appreciates the complexity of needs of residents living in the home. Furthermore, the GP now proactively calls the home every week to check on the residents, looking at their soft signs, because our residents are vulnerable and at risk of deterioration due to associated health needs. This proactive monitoring is making a positive difference.
Boosted confidence
The staff team feel confident in understanding and using what we learnt at the RESTORE2 training; it is useful to deliver day to day on this basis. We now use RESTORE2 frequently and have a “grab bag” in the office which contains necessary requirements to support an appropriate response and escalation of concern about any of our residents. We can check the resident’s vital signs and staff now feel more confident knowing that everything they need is kept in that one bag and they haven’t got to spend time finding the correct paperwork. This enables us to focus the much needed attention on the resident.
Looking forwards
Overall the RESTORE2 training and use of the tool has been really beneficial. It has made such a difference that we are now looking forward to additional training to enhance our knowledge and skill, in order to continuously improve the quality of care we provide and the confidence with which it is provided.
Book your training
Posted on April 26, 2021 by Ella Redler, Team Leader, Brandon Trust