Shomais Amedick, Project Support Officer, shares her observations on our Maternal and Neonatal Heath Safety Collaborative learning sessions.
I love that the UK has a National Health Service for its citizens and values the dignity of human life. This strength shines through the Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative (MNHSC) by improving the healthcare experience for all women, babies, and families across England. You can find out about the background to the collaborative here.
I joined the MNHSC in April 2019 at the start of Wave 3. I think that it is great that trusts are offering their improvement leads time to attend the nine learning sessions during the wave. I have seen this benefiting the trusts, by strengthening their quality improvement capabilities, and in our site visits can see the teams maturing in ‘living’ and ‘leading’ their quality improvement projects and making great progress at a regional and national level.
The National Learning Days offer a great networking opportunity with multidisciplinary teams all across England. This is where teams working on the same driver have time to learn from each other and overcome ‘barriers’ in their improvement.
Teams are also learning about Patient Safety Culture and this is strengthening trust and psychological safety within their teams and their trusts.
We work in healthcare because we care about people and are passionate about offering a great healthcare service. It is fantastic to see this passion at all the learning sessions. These learning days offer the space and time for creative thinking and reflections about why we do things and evaluate the value in the processes we perform; if we continue doing them or how we can refine or get rid of unnecessary processes to make patient care more effective, efficient and better – leading to improvement. Getting rid of unnecessary processes is important as this creates more capacity in busy teams to do improvement.
Find out more about the Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative in the West of England.
Register for the West of England AHSN Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative Local Learning System 5 if you would like to get involved in your local team.
Posted on September 13, 2019 by Shomais Amedick, Project Support Officer, West of England AHSN